September 19, 2009

  • thoughts of termination

    I've been very lucky in my life.  My whole 28 (*shush*) years of life, and I have four grandparents still living.  I met three of my great grandparents, one only three years gone.

    Last week, or a couple weeks ago, I found out that my g'pa the Pastor had a mass of some sort and had to have a biopsy this week.  They had the meeting with an Oncologist today (is that the right doctor?)  It's on his lung.  If he refused Kemo they gave him two months, with Kemo, 18.  He's had prostate cancer for 10 + years.  He looked really sad tonight.

    He did choose Kemo - starts next week.  But he was informed by the doctor that traveling to TX at the end of October for my cousin's wedding is not allowed.  I'm not sure he's going to get to marry us.  He should be able to be there but wow.


    My dad is sad.  I'm sad.  I don't even know if my mom knows the results - hoping dad told her.

    Tomorrow  Later today is the surprise baby shower for one of my best friends.  She has no clue so far - I'm very excited.  Hoping it's easy to pop into happy mode and just stay there.  Our time on earth is decided before we're born - all we can do is live and enjoy life has healthfully and happily as possible while we're here.

    So glad my grandparents moved back to MN from NM - I actually got to know them a little bit now, not just OF them.

Comments (3)

  • Maybe they are afraid he will be exposed to too many people and he has to be very cautious to not get an infection at this time. If he can't make it at least you'll know he's there in spirit. If you videotape it...he can at least see it later.

  • He should try the U of MN cancer hospital they have a lot of different options for treatment that are cutting edge...that is where my mom is going

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